Ten reasons why there’s actually NOT something wrong with you
When we start working together, so many of my clients have this deep belief that there’s something wrong with them. It’s a misunderstanding I carried deeply as well along my journey.
Here's the truth:
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. You’re just a sensitive person that’s grown up in a world that doesn’t understand how to nurture that.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. Life is naturally traumatizing when you have a sensitive nervous system. OF COURSE you would experience levels of anxiety, depression, and disconnection.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. 80% of people are not highly sensitive. You’re a minority. This can often lead to the misunderstanding that there’s something wrong with you. But really, you just have a more highly attuned nervous system than most people.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. Your emotions are never wrong. But you were probably taught that they are, whether by our culture, your family, your community, or all of the above.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. When your inner experience doesn’t match what you see on the outside (how you perceive other people’s inner experience to be), it’s easy to think there’s something wrong with what you feel and think. The truth is that everyone is their own kind of crazy, and their own kind of normal.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. Of course you get stuck at times in worry or self-doubt. You might get frustrated to be there, because you “know better”. This is not something wrong with you. This is a part of you that needs love and attention, that was hurt or scared somewhere along the way. It’s a part, not a flaw.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. You are human with a human brain. Brains can get glitchy for many different reasons. They can also be healed and trained into health. You are so much more than your brain.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. It’s normal to have intense fear and anxiety (at times “for no reason”) if you’ve never had the chance to heal your nervous system, or if you’re still working on that process.
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. We are complex, multi-faceted, emotional creatures. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Amen! 🙌
The truth is, there’s not something wrong with you. In fact, there is so much RIGHT with you. As a sensitive person, you are a NATURALLY more thoughtful, open-minded, intuitive, creative, outside-the-box thinking, empathetic, and attuned human being.
Sensitive people are some of the kindest, most loving, big-hearted people I know. They create beautiful art. They care deeply. They’re funny, sharp, and nurturing at heart.
High sensitivity is a product of evolution and survival of the species. We came about in order to keep us all alive. There’s your bonus reason, if you needed one → What you thought might be something wrong with you is actually a hero in disguise.
I hope today you can walk around with your head held high and that big heart wide open, cause you are very very special. Perfectly made in all your intricacies 💗
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