Posts in Understanding Sensitivity
Angst, Exhaustion, Impatience, Oh My!

Learn about your Zone of Optimal Arousal so that you can support yourself in getting out of overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion. Highly Sensitive People or HSPs tend to have a smaller zone of optimal arousal and need more tools in order to come back to a place of feeling calm, happy, and peaceful. This helpful tool will do just that.

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A Surprising Reason for Overwhelm

Overwhelm isn’t just about having too much on your plate, or thinking too many steps ahead. It can also come from overly-embodying masculine energy, and discounting the value of feminine energy. In this article I break down common misunderstandings about these energies, so that you can begin to feel more harmony and balance in your life, and feel like you can catch a deep breath again.

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Changing our perceptions on mental health

There should be zero shame in having a mental health struggle, yet in our society, shame is placed on people for having mental health issues. In addition, seeking support is looked at as weakness rather than the courageous, loving, wise act that it is. Our perceptions need an adjustment so that we can all feel free to have the mental health we deserve.

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You can’t subtract from it, but you can add to and multiply

Many people who struggle with OCD and anxiety think we need to focus on fixing the problem. But you wouldn’t believe the power of simply choosing where you place your attention. Sometimes, the answer is in allowing the “problem” to be there, while shifting your attention to something more worth your time.

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