Posts tagged slowing down
Does the world move too fast for you?

When we go against our natural rhythm, it can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, and overwhelm among other things. Learn how and why to allow yourself to rest, pause, and do less, so that you can have more energy, feel happier, and feel more like yourself. If you’re HSP (a Highly Sensitive Person), you may have a biological reason for needing more rest and downtime. Gain knowledge I use in life coaching to help people know and honor what pace works for them.

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Could you use some relief and some clarity right now?

With all that’s going on in the world, you might feel overwhelmed and feel waves of emotions. If you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP) you may feel this more than others. Journaling is a powerful tool I use as a life coach to help people gain clarity, have more ease, and find direction in their lives. Use these journaling prompts to slow down and hear your own inner voice.

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A Surprising Reason for Overwhelm

Overwhelm isn’t just about having too much on your plate, or thinking too many steps ahead. It can also come from overly-embodying masculine energy, and discounting the value of feminine energy. In this article I break down common misunderstandings about these energies, so that you can begin to feel more harmony and balance in your life, and feel like you can catch a deep breath again.

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How to start creating time for yourself (and feel good about it)

If you feel like you’re going so fast you can barely feel your feet beneath you anymore, this article is for you. What if one simple shift in perspective could change this? Find out how shifting your viewpoint on slowing down, and finding ways to slow down, can actually help you speed up, and get more done in the long run. And most importantly, help you feel energized and joyful while doing it.

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The Power in the Pause

We’re taught to always be productive and busy, and for most of us, it becomes a way of life, leading to disconnection, exhaustion, and burn out. Yet even if we have the chance to pause, do we know how? Is it too uncomfortable even to approach? Find some inspiration and permission for the pause here.

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