Posts tagged self-awareness
How getting triggered into anxiety can lead to self-love and freedom

As a sensitive person, you may find that you often get triggered into fight or flight or a stress response. Maybe you’re really familiar with feeling stress, anxiety, or fear, and have patterns of reactions that you wish you didn’t have. The way to deal with this might be the opposite of what you think, but when you respond in a certain way, you have the power to heal and move forward, experiencing less anxiety and overwhelm in the long run.

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What would you do with a life changing opportunity?

When we feel stuck in life, sometimes what we need is a good dose of courage. If we’re willing to look within ourselves and face what’s there, we become free. From there, we can gain clarity and learn how to just be ourselves. We go from powerlessness to empowered, and insecurity to self-confidence. Life coaching can help you have the motivation for this type of work.

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The Power in the Pause

We’re taught to always be productive and busy, and for most of us, it becomes a way of life, leading to disconnection, exhaustion, and burn out. Yet even if we have the chance to pause, do we know how? Is it too uncomfortable even to approach? Find some inspiration and permission for the pause here.

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