Posts tagged helpful perspectives
How to Thrive Through the Holidays and During Travel

There will always be times that come up in life where you're thrown off, thrown out of your normal routine, or simply going through change. Here are three quick and simple tips to help you thrive through change, travel, and holidays so that instead of feeling overwhelmed or disoriented, you can feel clear, present, and joyful.

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How to start creating time for yourself (and feel good about it)

If you feel like you’re going so fast you can barely feel your feet beneath you anymore, this article is for you. What if one simple shift in perspective could change this? Find out how shifting your viewpoint on slowing down, and finding ways to slow down, can actually help you speed up, and get more done in the long run. And most importantly, help you feel energized and joyful while doing it.

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So I’m in a band!

Our mind is a powerful tool. We can use it to help ourselves, or we can use it against ourselves. Even when we feel scared to go in the direction of our dreams, we can practice flexing a helpful mindset so that we move forward in life rather than staying stuck. And all of a sudden, those dreams seem more in reach than ever before.

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This is only part of your story

If you’re struggling right now, know that it won’t always be this way - even if it feels like it. Recovery and getting healthy are just a chapter on your journey, not the whole book. Not the whole story… Envisioning the greater picture for ourselves can create magic and miracles in our lives.

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I just don’t care - an open letter

Do you get annoyed at how much you obsess and worry about things that you know deep down don’t really matter to you? Take a bold stance to let that go so that you can feel peace and freedom, and live a more rich and fulfilling life.

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