Posts tagged feeling stuck
What to do when fear and anxiety appear and feel real

Anxiety and fear can be so difficult to experience, especially when it’s happening all the time. But, by learning how to work with these emotions, we can more easily move forward rather than feeling stuck or controlled by our fear and anxiety.

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When "YES" will set you free ✨

If you’re feeling stuck, or life is just feeling status quo, it might be a sign that you’re resisting doing what scares you (but deep down you know is best). Often we resist change because it feels safer or we feel more in control that way. It may feel safer but it also feels extremely limiting. But when we lean in and say “yes” (to whatever that next step is) our life begins to open up. It may feel scary, but you will also feel more alive. Use these perspectives to help clarify your next step and feel more confident moving forward.

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So I’m in a band!

Our mind is a powerful tool. We can use it to help ourselves, or we can use it against ourselves. Even when we feel scared to go in the direction of our dreams, we can practice flexing a helpful mindset so that we move forward in life rather than staying stuck. And all of a sudden, those dreams seem more in reach than ever before.

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