Posts tagged mindset
What to do when fear and anxiety appear and feel real

Anxiety and fear can be so difficult to experience, especially when it’s happening all the time. But, by learning how to work with these emotions, we can more easily move forward rather than feeling stuck or controlled by our fear and anxiety.

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So I’m in a band!

Our mind is a powerful tool. We can use it to help ourselves, or we can use it against ourselves. Even when we feel scared to go in the direction of our dreams, we can practice flexing a helpful mindset so that we move forward in life rather than staying stuck. And all of a sudden, those dreams seem more in reach than ever before.

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When Thinking is Overrated and What to Do Instead

Ever feel like your mind is working against you, or you’re stuck in overthinking? Learn how to use your mind as the tool that it is, and start feeling more ease, confidence, and clarity.

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Fight Mode

Is it true that we can do, be, or have anything we truly desire? If so, what does it take? How do we find that type of strength that it requires, especially if we’re feeling up against all odds?

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Why mastering your mind is like Jedi training and the gift that last a lifetime

Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, OCD, or overthinking, it can sometimes feel like your mind is running the show, and not in a good way. You might feel at the mercy of all those “what if” thoughts, and constantly pulled into worry or fear. Find out why this is happening and four things you can do about it today.

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