Posts tagged self-talk
What to do when fear and anxiety appear and feel real

Anxiety and fear can be so difficult to experience, especially when it’s happening all the time. But, by learning how to work with these emotions, we can more easily move forward rather than feeling stuck or controlled by our fear and anxiety.

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How getting triggered into anxiety can lead to self-love and freedom

As a sensitive person, you may find that you often get triggered into fight or flight or a stress response. Maybe you’re really familiar with feeling stress, anxiety, or fear, and have patterns of reactions that you wish you didn’t have. The way to deal with this might be the opposite of what you think, but when you respond in a certain way, you have the power to heal and move forward, experiencing less anxiety and overwhelm in the long run.

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Could your self-talk use an upgrade?

Our inner critical voice can be so loud sometimes. At times we might not even be able to distinguish between ourselves and this voice. But there are tools we can use to tune in to our true self, and hear our loving inner voice, so that we can begin to be kinder to ourselves. This allows us to feel happier and more content in life.

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