Posts tagged overwhelm
What to do when fear and anxiety appear and feel real

Anxiety and fear can be so difficult to experience, especially when it’s happening all the time. But, by learning how to work with these emotions, we can more easily move forward rather than feeling stuck or controlled by our fear and anxiety.

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How getting triggered into anxiety can lead to self-love and freedom

As a sensitive person, you may find that you often get triggered into fight or flight or a stress response. Maybe you’re really familiar with feeling stress, anxiety, or fear, and have patterns of reactions that you wish you didn’t have. The way to deal with this might be the opposite of what you think, but when you respond in a certain way, you have the power to heal and move forward, experiencing less anxiety and overwhelm in the long run.

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Angst, Exhaustion, Impatience, Oh My!

Learn about your Zone of Optimal Arousal so that you can support yourself in getting out of overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion. Highly Sensitive People or HSPs tend to have a smaller zone of optimal arousal and need more tools in order to come back to a place of feeling calm, happy, and peaceful. This helpful tool will do just that.

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A powerful calming tool at the tip of your fingers ✨

Studies have shown that putting pen to paper can activate different parts of our brain, and help us gain clarity. Use these journaling prompts to make the most of a challenging time, and help sort through confusion or just living life status quo. You have the power to go from overwhelm and confusion to peace, calm, and clarity.

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6 Ways to Stop Over Thinking

As a sensitive person, overtime you may have learned how to get into your head about things and overthink a lot. It can be draining and exhausting, and we also miss out on the power of our intuition. It also makes it harder to know who we are, what we want, and what we believe. Try out these six simple tools to start thinking less and living more.

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Feeling overwhelmed? Try this.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you might think the best thing to do is to try to get a bunch done, so you can feel better, right? But how’s that been working so far? The answer to your overwhelm might not be what you think it is.

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11 Steps to a Miracle

What if there were specific steps you could take to make changes in your life, create transformation, or recover from anxiety disorders? Over the past 15+ years, I’ve discovered that there are. Knowing that there are a finite set of steps that you can follow can create a sense of relief and even excitement and motivation to move forward. Find out the next step that's right for you…

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5 Things That Will Help You During Change (and Throughout Life in General)

Change can feel scary, uncertain, and uncomfortable. But what if there were ways we could navigate it more easily? And maybe even feel excited in the process?

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You can’t subtract from it, but you can add to and multiply

Many people who struggle with OCD and anxiety think we need to focus on fixing the problem. But you wouldn’t believe the power of simply choosing where you place your attention. Sometimes, the answer is in allowing the “problem” to be there, while shifting your attention to something more worth your time.

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You are not a unicorn (but you’re still very very special)

If you're struggling with OCD but think yours is a never-before-seen case, think again. That's just OCD and anxiety trying to trick you. And there's a much better use of your time, that will actually lead to recovery, mental health, and feeling peaceful… You can stop trying to figure out what’s wrong, and start working on the solution. Because, you deserve to enjoy life!!

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