What to do when fear and anxiety appear and feel real
Anxiety and fear can be so difficult to experience, especially when it’s happening all the time. But, by learning how to work with these emotions, we can more easily move forward rather than feeling stuck or controlled by our fear and anxiety.
The Nature of Fear and Anxiety
When it comes to fear and anxiety, it will appear real, and it will feel real. You can count on that. And those are real thoughts and real emotions… But often the reality of it stops at the thoughts and the emotions: Reality check! ✔️
The reason this is important is because: Too often we’re trying to get rid of the thoughts and the emotions first (before doing the things we care about and living a life that’s true to ourselves and our purpose).
The truth is, we can actually have those thoughts and feelings and still do the things that are most important to us.
(Caveat: Sometimes the levels of fear or anxiety we’re experiencing are so high that we need support to work through it in order to move forward. There is nothing wrong with needing support. In fact, I think getting support automatically makes you a badass 😆)
(Important caveat over 😂)
How to work with Anxiety Instead
Deciding it’s ok to feel scared or anxious and let it be there when it shows up is a boss move (because it’s hard and uncomfortable and also really effective and freeing). It frees you up to put your energy and focus anywhere else you want.
It can also be really healing to help show your brain that you’re safe 💗
I practice this on the regular as I retrain my mind and body, and I’m continually amazed at not only what the mind will throw at you, but just how capable we are to direct ourselves from a deeper place within 🙌
You can ask yourself,
What would I be doing if I didn’t have anxiety?
And then actually go do that.
What to Expect from Your Mind
Your mind might tell you:
All the things that could wrong, or ways this situation could blow up.
All the things you haven’t done.
All the ways you’re not good enough…
The good news is that, when this is happening, nothing has gone wrong. This is just your brain doing its brain thing, and doing what we unknowingly taught it to do.
We can unteach a lot of this. The brain will still be a brain, but we can unteach the things that contribute to this overabundance of fear and judgemental thoughts.
We can unteach beliefs that no long support us, and pick up some new ones that are helpful.
We can learn how to be more kind, loving, and compassionate, to ourselves and to others. 💗
We can learn how to redirect our attention and energy to the things we really value in life.
And we can learn how to practice really helpful things like acceptance and TRUST. - Oh trust, my little love baby. I’ve been repairing and nurturing my relationship with trust for awhile now and we’re becoming really close 💗
Imagine if you were the one deciding where to go in life, and not your emotions.
This is what’s possible when we learn how to reconnect to our true selves. We discover that we have a lot of wisdom and clarity underneath all that headiness and anxiety. And we start to realize that we’re strong enough to feel difficult things while we go about creating a life we’re absolutely in love with.
If you’d like some support with that, I offer a free one hour call where we can dive deep into your hopes and dreams, and work through some of the obstacles currently standing in your way. You can book that call here 👇
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