Posts tagged self-worth
How getting triggered into anxiety can lead to self-love and freedom

As a sensitive person, you may find that you often get triggered into fight or flight or a stress response. Maybe you’re really familiar with feeling stress, anxiety, or fear, and have patterns of reactions that you wish you didn’t have. The way to deal with this might be the opposite of what you think, but when you respond in a certain way, you have the power to heal and move forward, experiencing less anxiety and overwhelm in the long run.

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The "I'm not doing enough" lie

Learn how to feel like you’re doing enough by using this shift in perspective, and finally start to feel ok resting and relaxing. We often feel overwhelmed and overworked, yet think we need to keep going and do more. The truth is you’re doing enough, and there is a lot of value in resting, play, and pleasure. Gain self-worth by not putting all your worth in your productivity.

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Doing less, trusting more ✨

In our culture, we often identify our worth with our busyness, and wear busyness as a badge of honor. But all this running around can leave us exhausted and disconnected. It’s empowering to realize how much of a choice you have in what and how much you do, and that you have more of a say than you think. With this shift, you can start to prioritize and live according to your values. What a breath of fresh air and way less burden to carry.

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How to Loosen the Grip of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is something that can keep us stuck or stop us dead in our tracks. It can quickly drain us of our energy and leave us feeling powerless. But, when we shift our view of mistakes, and understand what’s underneath that fear of messing up, we can start taking our power back and feeling more free. Perfectionism doesn’t have to control you if you don’t want it to.

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A Letter from Within Me

You are whole and complete, just as you are. Your dreams are there for a reason - because they are MEANT for you. If you knew how perfect you are, how unconditionally loved you are, what would you do? What would you say? What would you let go of? Explore with me...

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