What to do when fear and anxiety appear and feel real

Anxiety and fear can be so difficult to experience, especially when it’s happening all the time. But, by learning how to work with these emotions, we can more easily move forward rather than feeling stuck or controlled by our fear and anxiety.

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Getting out of the anxiety patterns in our head

Our brains are both complex and simple at the same time - they keep coming back to the same patterns of thinking, and often these patterns are creating anxiety or struggle within us. By understanding them and knowing how to practice another line of thinking, you can start to ENJOY your life more.

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How getting triggered into anxiety can lead to self-love and freedom

As a sensitive person, you may find that you often get triggered into fight or flight or a stress response. Maybe you’re really familiar with feeling stress, anxiety, or fear, and have patterns of reactions that you wish you didn’t have. The way to deal with this might be the opposite of what you think, but when you respond in a certain way, you have the power to heal and move forward, experiencing less anxiety and overwhelm in the long run.

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The "Not Worrying" Experiment

Let’s let things be easy for a little. Approach changes and new ways of thinking with an “it’s an experiment” attitude, and watch how much quicker you can get on board with the ideas. It takes the pressure off. In this article I share about doing this with your worry habits.

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Uncertainty and Control

Life’s magic lies in uncertainty, yet when we have anxiety or are filled with fear, that’s the last thing we want. But, when we learn how to ride those waves of uncertainty, and begin to feel SAFE letting go of control, that’s when life opens up and we can do, be, and have what we truly desire, without feeling held back or limited by the need to control and have it all figured out.

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Allowing Yourself to Feel It All

Rather than trying to control your emotions, letting yourself feel them will give you more freedom and help you to feel empowered in your life. It’s a simple shift in perspective that creates lightness, ease, and freedom within yourself. You don’t have to try to control your emotions anymore. You just need to let yourself feel them.

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Angst, Exhaustion, Impatience, Oh My!

Learn about your Zone of Optimal Arousal so that you can support yourself in getting out of overwhelm, anxiety, and exhaustion. Highly Sensitive People or HSPs tend to have a smaller zone of optimal arousal and need more tools in order to come back to a place of feeling calm, happy, and peaceful. This helpful tool will do just that.

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Does the world move too fast for you?

When we go against our natural rhythm, it can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, and overwhelm among other things. Learn how and why to allow yourself to rest, pause, and do less, so that you can have more energy, feel happier, and feel more like yourself. If you’re HSP (a Highly Sensitive Person), you may have a biological reason for needing more rest and downtime. Gain knowledge I use in life coaching to help people know and honor what pace works for them.

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What would you do with a life changing opportunity?

When we feel stuck in life, sometimes what we need is a good dose of courage. If we’re willing to look within ourselves and face what’s there, we become free. From there, we can gain clarity and learn how to just be ourselves. We go from powerlessness to empowered, and insecurity to self-confidence. Life coaching can help you have the motivation for this type of work.

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How to get some weight off your shoulders

Sometimes self-care and self-nurturing are the last things on our to-do lists. But what can happen is that we wind up feeling disconnected from ourselves, exhausted, and unhappy. And if we’re highly sensitive we need even more self-care than others. Learn an easy life coaching tool to lighten your load and shift from a negative mindset into a more positive one.

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A powerful calming tool at the tip of your fingers ✨

Studies have shown that putting pen to paper can activate different parts of our brain, and help us gain clarity. Use these journaling prompts to make the most of a challenging time, and help sort through confusion or just living life status quo. You have the power to go from overwhelm and confusion to peace, calm, and clarity.

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Let yourself be where you're at ❤️

Four powerful life coaching tools you can use no matter what you’re feeling. In these uncertain times, many of us are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, especially HSPs (Highly Sensitive People). That’s because our nervous system is being asked of a lot right now. Self-acceptance is the best practice - allowing yourself to be exactly where you’re at.

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Could you use some relief and some clarity right now?

With all that’s going on in the world, you might feel overwhelmed and feel waves of emotions. If you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP) you may feel this more than others. Journaling is a powerful tool I use as a life coach to help people gain clarity, have more ease, and find direction in their lives. Use these journaling prompts to slow down and hear your own inner voice.

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In times of uncertainty, you can be sure of this ✨

Life is really uncertain, and when we’re uncomfortable with uncertainty, unfortunately it can create a lot of suffering in our life. It can even lead to anxiety disorders like OCD. But when we can learn to embrace uncertainty by living according to our values, we go from feeling controlled by our emotions and our circumstances to being in control of our lives. We can begin to feel empowered again.

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The "I'm not doing enough" lie

Learn how to feel like you’re doing enough by using this shift in perspective, and finally start to feel ok resting and relaxing. We often feel overwhelmed and overworked, yet think we need to keep going and do more. The truth is you’re doing enough, and there is a lot of value in resting, play, and pleasure. Gain self-worth by not putting all your worth in your productivity.

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A Surprising Reason for Overwhelm

Overwhelm isn’t just about having too much on your plate, or thinking too many steps ahead. It can also come from overly-embodying masculine energy, and discounting the value of feminine energy. In this article I break down common misunderstandings about these energies, so that you can begin to feel more harmony and balance in your life, and feel like you can catch a deep breath again.

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